The Riddle family has been actively involved in the construction industry since 1976. Their personal backgrounds of interior design and residential construction bring to Riddle Construction & Design the ideal mix for a total home renovation company.

Chris Riddle

A practicing interior designer since 1988, Chris has earned degrees in Interior Design as well as Business Administration. She has continued her commitment to the design profession by achieving credentials for both Certified Master Kitchen and Bath Designer (CMKD, CMBD) from the National Kitchen and Bath Association. Chris contributes not only her innovative designs and expertise, but also her enthusiasm and sense of humor.

Curt Riddle

As a general contractor, Curt has more than 35 years of hands on experience in the building industry. He has constructed virtually every phase from new homes and remodel, to commercial construction. A veteran in the industry, Curt is highly regarded for the quality of his work and his commitment to each project.

Josh Riddle

Growing up in the family business, Josh represents the next generation at Riddle Construction & Design. With a degree in Business Management and Architecture, he has learned the construction business from the ground up with several years of experience in custom home construction. As project manager, Josh brings his passion and energy to every project.